Welcome to LEVANTIS world!
LEVANTIS means TRADITION. The recipes after which we prepare every levantis that gets to your table are old recipes, originally from Levant, one of the most fascinating areas in the Middle East.
LEVANTIS means HEALTH. How else could it be, since we prepare everything using pure milk, from perfectly healthy and happy cows and from simple, NATURAL ingredients and 100% HALAL! Oh, and without absolutely no artificial preservatives!
It also means a ...DIFFERENT TASTE. Almost everytime. Maybe it's because they are mostly hand made, with a lot of pacience and skill. Maybe it's from the pure condiments that we use. Or maybe.. it doesn't even matter why. Just let yourself be surprised!
You are what you eat!
We are the choices that we make every moment.
And, we like it or not, we are WHAT we eat. And HOW we eat.
That's why we think that life is too short not to enjoy every...bite of it, not to play, not to eat with joy whether you only have 5 minutes or 2 hours available.
And this is precisely what LEVANTIS is about! About you, everyday. About eating healthy, with pleasure, no matter where, how much and who you are with!
Our specialties
Commonplace? There is no such thing in LEVANTIS world!
There is no JUST yoghurt or JUST cheese in LEVANTIS world! There are unlimited posibilities! More intense, more flavored, bolder or with more personality – it's imposible not to find the perfect levantis for you.
Get inspired by our ideas (or create your own combinations) and transform every meal in an ever different moment, always surprising: